The main objectives of the Cooperation Programme are to:
promote an integrated system of research, training,
information and documentation activities in the field of
archaeology related to underwater cultural heritage and
related disciplines;
create an academic training network tasked to harmonize
teaching schedules and programmes, teaching material and
standards; organize joint field schools; set up distance
learning courses at Master’s
as well as common
Master’s level courses; foster faculty and student
mobility and set up a common scholarship system; and
facilitate exchange or lending of technical material;
set up a common web portal to facilitate knowledge and
information sharing and the creation of a virtual
organize regional and international conferences and
seminars to promote the discipline and advance
innovative research, as well as annual thematic meetings
of the Network;
carry out joint research projects to enhance
understanding of the status of underwater cultural
heritage worldwide;
contribute to the elaboration of a pedagogical kit for
underwater archaeology education;
foster research, development, exchange and harmonization
of databases or inventories addressing different aspects
of underwater cultural heritage;
encourage inter-university cooperation through the
transfer of knowledge, reinforce the dynamism of
existing academic and professional networks and
strengthen North-South cooperation;
act as a bridge between the academic world, civil
society, local communities, research and policy-makers,
promoting awareness of underwater cultural heritage and
influencing cultural heritage policies.