The Alecso Meeting results

The conference that was organized by The Arab
League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization
(Alecso) in Mahdia, Tunisia from the 28th to the 30th of
October 2013. The Alecso which works within the Arab League,
is mainly concerned with enhancing and coordinating cultural
and educational activities in the Arab world including
cultural heritage issues. This was the 21st round of the
conference which is held every two years. This year's topic
was "Underwater Cultural Heritage in the Arab Region".
In fact, it is the first time that Arab countries
dedicate an international conference to discuss various
topics related to UCH. The conference was attended by
delegations of 16 Arab countries as well as a number of
international experts.
Topics that were discussed included: the current situation
of UCH in different Arab counties, museums and public
presentation, education and training, international
collaboration, site protection and preservation and the
UNESCO convention.
A number of recommendation resulted from the conference in
which will be ratified during the upcoming meeting of the
Arab League Ministers of Culture so it will be an obligation
to see the recommendation through to achievement.
The recommendations included:
- The creation of a Regional Centre for UCH in Mahdia,
Tunisia sponsored by the Tunisian government, to be used for
education and training and joint projects in the region. A
committee was created under led by myself to write the
proposal for creating the centre.
- Urging Arab countries to ratify the UNESCO 2001 convention
(only 6 countries have done so far)
- To include UCH as a topic in higher education program in
Arab universities and institutes.
- The preservation of UCH shall be an integral component in
coastal urban development plans in the Arab world.
- A collaborative program will be created between the
Alexandria Centre for Maritime Archeology and the ICCROM
regional centre in Sharja, which is developing a Heritage
Management Diploma.
- Urging Arab institutions and societies working in the
field of underwater cultural heritage to implement joint
projects and promote awareness
- The Alecso has created a website for the conference (in
Arabic) where all the information and resolutions are posted
Also there seems to be an increasing interest in education
and training in maritime and underwater archaeology in Arab